Saturday, 29 June 2013

Why Choose Us? 为什么选择益生?

  1. We are certified and trained. 我们有专业、合格注册中医师、推拿师。
  2. We can communicate in English, Mandarin, and main local dialects such as Teochew, Hokkien and Hainanese. 我们可以说英语、华语、还有潮语、福建话及海南话。
  3. We provide good service and quality medicine. 我们提供优质服务及药品。
  4. We offer a clean, bright and quiet environment. 我们的环境整洁、明亮。

Treatments and Services

*Dear all, kindly note that our opening hours have changed*
Opens from Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursday, Fridays and Saturdays: 1.00pm to 7.00pm
We are closed on Wednesdays, Sundays and Public Holidays

新诊所营业时间:星期一,星期二,星期四,星期五和星期六 / 下午1点到7点 

Do you suffer from frequent body aches and pains? Are you stressed-out due to your hectic working or personal life? Do you suffer from frequent colds? We can help you treat these problems.

您经常患伤风、感冒吗? 或者因为工作、生活带来的压力使您精神紧张或无精打采吗
? 腰酸背痛让您侧夜难眠吗? 我们专业的中医师、推拿师可以帮助您:
  • 治疗颈椎病,肩周炎,腰背酸痛,膝盖痛, 足跟痛,腕指疼痛, 脚踝扭伤,筋骨损伤,舒缓压力等
  • 提高免疫力、等等